Tampa Spring Fertilizing and Pest Control

It’s that time of year again, when we need to start thinking about fertilizing our lawns in the Tampa area.  It’s important to get off to a good start with weed control and fertilizing so that things like pests and weeds do not over stress your lawn and stunt its growth.

According to the South West Water Management District of Florida (http://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/publications/files/florida-friendly-fertilizing.pdf), one of the biggest mistakes homeowners can make is over fertilizing or trying to do too much too quickly. When over fertilization happens, the grass does not use the expensive nutrients you put on your lawn and it simply leaches into the ground water which creates issues for our wetlands and the water we end up drinking.

It is always better to do multiple applications of fertilizer and insecticides over a 30-45 day period to have a cumulative effect. If your lawn is in distress, it will take time for it to recover. Just remember that with proper watering, mowing, and fertilization your lawn should recover over the spring and summer months in the Tampa area.

If your lawn is in distress it may be a good idea to get a lawn care professional involved, at least for a few months. They can analyze your yard and apply the appropriate fertilizer and pesticides to get your yard back on the road to recovery. Once your yard is in good shape again, you can consider taking over maintenance yourself again. Or you may decide to reward your lawn care professional by letting them treat you Tampa area lawn, for a full year.

Remember, regardless of where you live in the Tampa area, your lawn is waiting to thrive this spring. Don’t rush it or over do it. Use a lawn care professional or follow the directions on the insecticides and fertilizers you are applying and do multiple applications versus a heavy dose fertilizer application.

Enjoy the Tampa weather and enjoy your beautiful lawn this Spring!

The MowingPlus.com Team

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Author: mowadmin